if you find the talent, economic uncertainty can make hiring a risky move

Hiring vs. Partnering image
64% of tech leaders said that it's gotten "harder" or “significantly harder” to find qualified technical talent for their positions.
CNBC Technology Executive Council member surveys

It typically takes several weeks or even months of interviewing to find and hire top talent. That is with an expensive recruiter and when you do find someone you want to hire, the successful candidate is often more expensive than you had planned, not even considering the recruiter expenses.

The Hire vs. Contract decision

Economic Risk -
Turn on any financial news station and you will hear conflicting statements regarding inflation, the health of the economy and its near-term direction.

You don't have an economic crystal ball, you need to run you business
and need additional great developers, but is it wise to take on added recruiting, salary, equipment, office, employment tax, medical, vacation and stock benefit costs right now? We all hope for the best, but should the economy turn or the new hires not work out, you will also have severance, unemployment insurance and possibly layoff concerns from your other developers.

            aNearShore Consulting project or a Staff augmentation development approach does not share the above issues.

Reducing Risk: Partnering with aNearShore vs. Recruiting and Hiring in this economy

  • Provides technical talent as strong or stronger than what is often available in the US due to less competition for the resource
  • Covers recruiter costs
  • Provides senior level developers
  • Handles all tax and HR issues
  • Doesn't require long term commitments (cancel with 30 days notice)
  • Developers work US Hours
  • Able to provide one developer or teams of developers on short notice
  • Total cost significantly lower than US rates without  diluting your company stock  
  • Offers staff augmentation solutions for your team or independent project development
  • Provides developers with proficient English speaking skills
  • Proficient in Agile methodology.